A life in eastern europe

Monday, November 29, 2010

Let's talk about... Fishing in eastern Europe

Fishing routine

Fishing is a very important part of Lithuanian culture. Not as important as basketball but still quite popular and enjoyable activity. Every boy learns to fish from their fathers, grandfathers, uncles or friends. Fishing is well known as father's and son's time all other the world. I remember myself fishing as young as i remember anything at all. So some of my oldest memories then i am fishing with my father. But why fishing attracts people? Why the hell they sometimes sit all day at the lake (like my father) and still catch nothing? I am going to try to answer these questions. Accurately my father for you will. So here's an interview.

Why for you fishing is so fascinating?
- Well, because I can catch fish!, - he laughs. It is my hobby. I love being in the nature, especially near the waters. It's so peaceful here and of course the whole fish catching process for me is very exciting.
How much money do you spend for your hobby?
- Mainly nothing at all. Rarely i spend money for new equipment as my father left a lot of fishing equipments. And yes I about 3 dollars (approximately) for a fishing license. When i go fishing i don't have to use my car because all the waters are near so i save on fuel.
What kind of and how many fish you usually catch?
- I usually catch rudds. Like 10-15 a day. Depends on the weather and temperature. For catching rudds i use special pastry or worms, sometimes maggots. Not so often i go fishing for pikes, using live bait.
What is the biggest fish you have ever caught?
- It is a 5 kilogram zander caught on live bait. I caught 15 years ago in Rusne (Lithuania's biggest island) at Nemunas river(The biggest and the longest river in Lithuania).
What are the conditions of this activity in eastern Europe?
-There are many fishermen around but we get well together and there's enough space for everyone. In the little town which has 2000 people you could say that many people go fishing. It's a pity that the environment around is not clean. People go near the waters to relax and celebrate. Also they leave a lot of rubbish or break footbridges which fishermen construct to reach good spots. One pool was polluted few years ago. All fish have died there. But there are still a lot of places where you can go.

So do you go fishing in your country too?

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